Canadian Investor Visa


Investor Visa

Canadian Investor Visa

What is the Canada Investor Visa?

Canadian Investor Visas were created by the Canadian government to attract wealthy business people. Investors and their immediate families can gain permanent residence in Canada by satisfying the following five government selection criteria:

  1. You must demonstrate relevant business experience, as defined under the regulations. In essence, you must have previously managed or operated a qualified business for at least two out of five years preceding your application.
  2. You and your spouse must have legally obtained a personal net worth of a minimum of CAD 2 million, classing you as a Sophisticated Investor.
  3. Your entire family must complete and pass Canada’s medical and security evaluations.
  4. You must invest CAD 1.2 million for five years at no interest (0%) under one of the two available immigrant investor programs. The investment is government-guaranteed and will be repaid in full at the end of the investment period.
  5. You will also be assessed on age, language, education, experience, and time spent in Quebec on a points-based system.

There are several ways to become a permanent resident of Canada. The most popular economic programs are:

  • The Quebec Immigrant Investor Program
  • The Express Entry Program (federal)
  • The Provincial Nominee Programs

Selection Procedure for Canada Investor Visas

The selection procedure is similar under both the federal and Quebec programs, with the following distinction: applicants who want to establish themselves economically in the province of Quebec have to obtain a Certificate of Selection for Quebec (CSQ) before applying for permanent residence from the Federal Government of Canada.

Applicants and their dependents will be assessed on health and security grounds. Holders of a CSQ are required to reside in the province of Quebec.

Are you right for Canada Investor Visas?

To answer these questions about Canadian Investment Visas it’s important to examine your own entrepreneurial experience.

The single most important factor is your previous experience as a business owner or an entrepreneur.

So first question you need to ask yourself is do I have any business ownership experience if your answer is yes, you would be able to qualify for certain provincial nominee programs for business immigration.

If you don’t have any business ownership experience, do you have any Senior Management experience, and Senior Management experience in the definition is any position that you previously helped?

Have you been involved in the decision-making of a business when it comes to the expenditures of the business or the revenue stream of the business as an example director of sales director or obviously a C-level position like a CEO that could be qualified as senior management experience.No previous business ownership is required?

You do not need specific business ownership experience to be eligible for the Canada Investor Visa pathways. It all depends on what your involvement was in any businesses you’ve been involved in or worked in at a senior level.

English skills are vital for Canada Investor Visas

Are you at a basic level intermediate or Advanced? If you don’t speak English at all that could potentially sway you to only a small group of programs that do not require language proficiency versus if you do speak English, even at a basic level and you’re willing to take the IELTS test, then you will be able to qualify for certain programs.

If you are married or have a common-law partner does your spouse speaks a basic to intermediate level of English then you could potentially get more points under the adaptability factors because Canada cares about the integration of families, especially in the investor visa stream.

Net Worth for Canada Investor Visas

You must invest CAD 1.2 million for five years at no interest (0%) under one of the two available immigrant investor programs. The investment is government-guaranteed and will be repaid in full at the end of the investment period.

At the end of any prescribed investment period, a visa holder will be eligible to apply for a Canadian Second Passport.

Manitoba Business Investor Immigration Visa

The BIS or Business Investor Stream of Manitoba has been designed by the Government of the province to enable candidates to invest in Manitoba.

There are two BIS streams in Manitoba

  • The Entrepreneur Pathway
  • The Farm Investor Pathway

Entrepreneur Pathway Manitoba

Individuals can invest in Manitoba’s running business or a start-up. They can become part of a business as a partner or purchase the business wholly.

Criteria for Manitoba Entrepreneur Visa

  • a minimum net worth of CAD 500,000.
  • a minimum of 3 years of business management experience during the 5 years before applying for the same.
  • minimum education equivalent to Canadian high school
  • pass the Canadian Language Benchmark of 5 or more.

You must invest a minimum of CAD 250,000 in Manitoba’s Capital region or a minimum of CAD 150,000 outside Manitoba’s Capital.

Manitoba Farm Investor visa requirements:

You must have experience in Farming and also

  • CAD 500,000 net worth.
  • be ready to take up agri-activities in Manitoba.
  • have a minimum of 3 years of farming experience
  • be able to invest a minimum of CAD 300,000 in agri-business

Free Visa Assessment

Prince Edward Island Business Immigration

Prince Edward Island business visa eligibility

  • Minimum Investment of CAD$150k for a minimum share of 33.33%
  • Net worth of CAD 600k
  • previous business experience
  • minimum high-school education
  • a minimum band score of 4.0 on the CLB (Canada Language Benchmark)

Prince Edward Island Escrow

Upon landing in Canada, you will have to enter an escrow agreement. During the first 2 years, you will have to report periodically on the progress of your business. Once all terms and conditions are met, the escrow amount of a minimum of $200,000 will be returned.

British Columbia Investor Visa

BC Investor Visa requirement

  • CAD $200k investment minimum
  • must create at least 1 job for a Canadian citizen
  • net worth of CAD 600k
  • experienced in business
  • ability to adapt to Canadian life
  • proficient English

Business relocation BC investor visa:

Visa holders can bring another key member of their business to Canada under the British Columbia investor visa program.

Quebec Investor Visa

Quebec Investor Visa Requirement

  • net worth of CAD 2 million.
  • Invest CAD 1.2 million in a passive government-guaranteed investment in Quebec for not less than 5 years.
  • minimum of 2 years of business experience in the 5 years preceding applying for the visa
  • intention to settle in Quebec.

How long do I need to invest for a Quebec Investor Visa?

The investment needs to be held for 5 years and at the end of the period, the amount will be returned.